For the past two weeks CBA has provided over 36 group livestream ballet classes for our Elite students free of charge, ensuring each level receives at least two classes each week during this circuit breaker month.
Thank you to our students for being so enthusiastic and willing to try something new with us! It’s a tough month but we will get through it together!
Time really flies. With this break, we have had time to organise our past files, and realised CBA has created over 70 dance items (including group to solo) over the years!
We would love to share our memories with everyone.
Check out CBA’s 1st Year End Performance held in 2013!
For CBA students not taking exams, your training is important to us too. Our teachers have been busy preparing for the 4 weeks of home-based learning ahead:
– Making weekly lesson plans and more than 150 videos for our ballet, latin and jazz students to practise from the comfort of their own homes
– The home practice videos include warm-up, strengthening and preparation exercises, and explanation of dance vocabulary to prepare students for the next level. ↗️
All the videos are provided FREE to CBA students.
To support the training for our students during the next 4 weeks of suspension, we have prepared over 100 RAD exam home practice videos with teachers’ detailed corrections for each step. The weekly class exercises are carefully designed to include warm-up, strengthening, floor, and barre exercises, as well as detailed explanation of exam steps for our students. Parents can also record their child’s practice video and send it to our teachers to receive corrections and feedback.
Aligning with the latest Covid-19 circuit breaker precautionary measures, our studios will be closed until Monday, 4th May 2020 or till further notice by the Government.
For any enquiries, kindly contact us at
Meanwhile, stay home and stay healthy!